
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Long Time No Post? Mini {super mini} wall art tutorial


You can skip the drama and scroll down to the tutorial if you want...  ;)

I am alive.  Although most days I don't feel like it.  Remembering the friends who warned me never to have 4 children and the way I was shocked they would say such a thing is just hilarious to me now.  4 kids is seriously kicking the dickens out of my body and mind.  My younger more naive self thought that this is how I would feel when I was elderly.  Then again, on a daily basis I get to play with something that looks like this...

Baby Leo is my obsession.  Jewelry making is my salvation.  Having a creative outlet at this time is completely necessary in my life.  I have a husband who I would like to say has a first wife named "work" that keeps him away a good 100 hours a week.  Those of you who can relate understand why my crafting and jewelry making happens.  It isn't a matter of finding time to do it, it is more a matter of I-need-to-make-something-or-I-might-die.   If you don't understand, I really have no way to explain it other than I am basically a good kind of crazy.  

So, in an attempt to give life to this blog again, I am starting slow.

With all of this jewelry making, I joined an amazing group of fellow crafters/sellers on Facebook.  They are seriously my best friends right now.  We all have busy lives, creative addictions, and are trying to pinch and make pennies.  In searching for ways to take pictures of my new jewelry designs, one of the ladies pointed me in a direction of photo backdrops from MY BACK DROP SHOP of Etsy. 

Cutest backdrops, and the best part...they are available small, which is what I need for jewelry shoots!
They came in the mail this week and I was so excited to get started.  With sleep deprivation comes amazing thoughts every once in a while and I had one that combined left over 20 x 20 canvases and the 2 ft x 2 ft vinyl backdrops.  I figured, why not make the backdrops useful around my house as well?

{ultra-mini} TUTORIAL

I ordered the 2x2 ft size backdrop from My Back Drop Shop
I used 20 x 20 inch canvases and staple gun.  It took about 2 minutes per canvas.

I started out with opposite sides...

My goal for the corners were to just make them flat with no bulging

Voila!  4 rustic canvases to fill in corners, 
and double as photo backdrops!
