
Friday, September 23, 2011

Fancy Flash Cards: By Little Gal

School is in session, and unfortunately homework is underway in our home.

Since Little Gal has all kinds of timed tests this year, we thought we would make some "Fancy" flash cards instead of the boring ones.

It was her idea, and I thought it was great!  I think it would benefit any child to make their own flash cards.  Hopefully the fact that she made them herself will add to her being able to remember them.  I am a very visual person, and I like to think that she takes after her mother. 

What Little Gal Used:
Fancy Edge Scissors
Fancy Paper
Plain Paper
Glue Stick

First she cut out rectangular shapes with her Fancy Edge Scissors...

Then She cut out a smaller rectangle to fit onto the fancy paper one,
and she used a glue stick to glue it.

Next she wrote all of her math problems on the front,
and answers on the back...

I think she did a spectacular job, don't you?

What subjects are your kids learning?

Don't tell Little Gal, but I secretly timed myself on addition and subtraction...and I need a little practice.


1 comment:

  1. These are an awesome idea! And so darn creative of her to think of it! Great idea Little Sassy!
