
Monday, October 10, 2011

Mini Tutorial: Tiny Lantern Banner

For those of you who like plain and simple things (and easy and fast I might add), here is a tutorial for you!

Also, I am taking the advice of my readers and just trying out writing below the picture.  Wish me luck...this could end up awesome - or really confusing.

What you will need:
A Bare Boring Wall
Cute Paper Circles (Or any shape)
Sewing Machine
Thread in a color of your choice
A tiny bit of free time

1. Start with a bunch of shapes.  I used 6 duplicated shapes for each tiny lantern.  These little ovals were so cute with a scalloped edge.  My Cricut machine was so nice to cut them out for me.

I played Go Fish! with the kids for a few minutes first...

2. Split them up.  You can use the same paper in each lantern or mix it up!  
Split it into two piles of 3 ovals each.

 3. Put the two piles face to face...

4. Sew them together!
Make sure you sew s-l-o-w-l-y...paper has a tendency to rip.

Do it again and again until you reach the length you want.
You can choose how far apart or close together you want your shapes.

5. Once they are all sewn together you can open them up!
Just fold each tiny page open and press on the seam.
You have a fun 3D Banner in the works!

I think it was just what our little Halloween wall needed.

I did go a little crazy and made a super long banner with just one single oval sewn to the next over and over...
I think I like it!

What are your favorite scary decor ideas?



  1. These would be so cute to do for the Christmas tree. Your Halloween wall looks great.

  2. I am so excited to make this for every occasion! I love your ideas!!

  3. Just wanted to stop by and let you know I featured you tonight on Motivated Monday
